chocolate is a verb

colors, flavors, whims and other growing things

Tag Archives: Valentine

found poem: My heart

found poem: to share

found poem: the winter

found poem: and if

found poem: and when

found poem: Darling

a Sunday in spring

jik - Easter ValentineAt age 6, things didn’t get much better than hearts and bunnies. A girl could be forgiven if the excesses of Valentine’s Day overtook Easter. All these decades later, I can’t account for the red cross, but the bunny has everything a bunny needs on a spring Sunday — a fat, chocolatey body, baskets over each arm, exceedingly long whiskers, a pink blush inside each ear and love radiating in all directions. Happy Easter.

found poem: I FOUND

found Valentine: Love.

found Valentine: filled

found Valentine: romance

words of love…

SpeakEasy 13: Love Uncensored

In honor of Valentine’s Day, fifteen couples will share expressions of love and all its entanglements this evening at SpeakEasy 13: Love Uncensored. Please join us at 7:00pm in the Mount Baker Theatre Encore Room in Bellingham, Washington. Free (donations appreciated). Adults only, please.

the ideal…

the ancient…


love week…

Bellingham Herald 11Feb2013
My found Valentine is printed larger than life on page A6 of today’s Herald. To see it (and other words of love) online, go to this Herald page, then click on the partial image in the right sidebar where it says STORY PHOTOS. Thanks to Dean Kahn, The Bellingham Herald“and you”

my Valentine…