chocolate is a verb

colors, flavors, whims and other growing things


Produced by, Counterflow is an annual anthology showcasing work by writers, poets, and visual artists from across all of Vancouver Island and the surrounding Salish Sea basin, which includes Bellingham, Washington. I’m hugely pleased that two of my found poems have been selected for Counterflow 3.

found poem: Devices

Red Eft Review

An eft is the juvenile form of a newt (not, in this context, Electronic Funds Transfer). The Red Eft Review is an online journal created and maintained, with near-daily posts, by poet Corey D. Cook. A big woof to Corey for featuring my poem Best Friend on May 1.

(For Taffy, Cocoa, Taco, Potato, and the many dogs of my heart.)

found poem: sky

found poem: May

Macrame Literary Journal

found poem: the hands

found poem: excavating

Sowing light

Back in October, I mentioned that my prose poem “Sowing light” had been published in the Fall 2023 issue of Gyroscope Review. For National Poetry Month, Gyroscope Review is posting a poem a day, complete with the poet reading their piece. Today, April 11, Sowing light is the featured poem. Have a listen.

eclipse day 2024


found poem: the day

Does It Have Pockets?

Happy National Poetry Month! Starting out auspiciously, with the publication of three pocket-y found poems in Does It Have Pockets? Happy to have my work included among “the uncatagorizable.”

it must be spring

Stepping outside to pick up the morning paper, I’m suddenly surrounded by birdsong. I live in a city neighborhood and the birds are everywhere, eager to share their perspective on spring. Merlin identifies the singers, none exotic but all talking at once. The Steller’s jay and the pine siskin that are part of the chorus have already scrolled off the screen, which isn’t big enough to contain all the morning’s music.

Everybody’s a gardener

The dogwood tree in the backyard is rather frail and just showing the first fattened tips of spring bloom. The branches end in brittle twigs that break easily in the wind. Yesterday, I looked out the window to see a pair of crows hoping around in the tree, testing the twiggy ends. First one, then the other, found a twig to their liking, broke it off, and flew away with it, presumably to a nest under construction.

found poem: sky’s

some weeks are just WOW weeks!

front and back cover of collection of found poetry by J.I. Kleinberg

If you’ve been following along here, you know this has been an extraordinary few months. In the fall of 2023, three chapbooks of my work were published: The Word for Standing Alone in a Field (Bottlecap Press), Desire’s Authority (Ravenna Press Triple No. 23), and how to pronounce the wind (Paper View Press).

Now I am extraordinarily pleased to introduce she needs the river, a collection of found poems produced with exceptional quality and care by Poem Atlas. The collection, generously blurbed by poets Nancy Pagh and Sarah J. Sloat, includes an essay on visual poetry by Emma Filtness. With artist/visual poet Astra Papachristodoulou at the helm, Poem Atlas publishes books and creates in-person and online events that highlight visual poetry. I am so, so honored to be part of the Poem Atlas family of books and objects.

Willawaw WOW!

When Willawaw Journal opened submissions for the Spring 2024 issue, in early February, I jumped right in. Willawaw had published my work in 2017 and again in 2019, so I hoped that editor Rachel Barton might find something worthwhile among my handful of found poems. As an optional prompt, the call for poems suggested reading Idaho Poet Laureate / Writer in Residence CMarie Fuhrman’s “Hells Canyon Revival.” I did.

Much to my surprise, within days, Rachel responded that she wanted not just a single poem, but the whole batch and to please send more if I had them. Well, long story long, Willawaw Journal Issue 18 was launched this week with my work featured on every page! It’s a jam-packed issue, so please take your time as you browse through the pages (you can use the Table of Contents navigation links at the top of every page, or the next-page numbers at the bottom).

I am so grateful to Rachel Barton and Willawaw Journal, to CMarie Fuhrman, and honored to be in such stellar company on every page.

found poem: March

another reading

I recently posted about the new Dead of Winter anthology published by Milk & Cake Press. In anticipation of a Zoom reading TODAY, Monday, March 18, 2024, at 4:00pm Pacific, Milk & Cake has been posting some poems on Facebook, including this one of mine, The Season. The reading will feature 23 poets each reading one poem. I’m fortunate to have three poems in the collection and will be reading a different one. Tune in, if you can; if not, the reading will be available on YouTube.